Michael Kurowski
Critical Acclaim
Million Dollar Quartet
"Though each actor in the quartet is charming, Kurowski is particularly winsome as Lewis, whose wit is nearly as quick as his piano fingers. The Louisiana native who once found his rustic sensibilities in awe that “the outhouse was inside” is never one to miss an opportunity to upstage his fellow performers (both verbally and musically), providing a steady source of laughs throughout the show...It’s Kurowski who leads the audience into a post-curtain call sing a-long, turning the Million Dollar Quartet into a Million Dollar Chorus. Pink lights flash at the standing audience and as voices cheer and hands clap, the musical turns into a concert—a fitting conclusion to a show whose chief purpose is bringing new life to old songs." - Josh Bootsma, The Lansing Journal
"Throughout the show, the young Lewis seeks to prove his worth and herald his gifts as a hot-headed musician; Michael Kurowski crackles and pops with fiery intensity befitting of the legendary Lewis. Kurowski’s athleticism and skill behind the piano allow for jaw-dropping piano acrobatics. Whether plunking the keys sitting, standing, with his feet, with his rear, or from behind, Kurowski demonstrates that he knows how to liven up a party. His prowess as a musician is matched by his charm. Kurowski emulates the overconfident bravado of a young, flirtatious jokester with likable ease." - Chicagoland Musical Theatre
"Michael Kurowski’s Doody makes you want to run over and hug him during his These Magic Changes dream sequence" - Chicago Reviews
"Young Doody (a perfectly cast Michael Kurowski) sings and accompanies himself on guitar with “Those Magic Changes,” turning into a polished fantasy production number featuring a terrific backup ensemble of screaming girls." - Chicago Theater Reviews
"The terrific Michael Kurowksi finds some stuff in Crutchie that I’ve never before seen" - Chris Jones, Chicago Sun Times
"Newsies' delivered right on time with a refreshing cast that tugsged at your heart with Michael Kurowski as Crutchie, you wanted to root for him from beginning to end" - Chicago Now
"Michael Kurowski, whose bright, innocent face immediately creates an empathetic connection with the audience, is terrific as Crutchie. Mr. Kurowski is at once heartbreaking and inspiring in this role. His beautiful singing carries much of the show, like his harmonic duet with Prakken in “Santa Fe,” and his poignant solo, “Letter From the Refuge.” - Chicago Theater Review
"Jack is aided in the strike by his best friend Crutchie, a crippled newsboy played with stunning realism by Michael Kurowski" - Northwest Herald
"Kurowski's Crutchie is endearingly sweet and unfailingly optimistic, even when imprisoned in a juvenile detention center euphemistically called "The Refuge. - Broadway World
When Crutchie (Michael Kurowski) tries to drag his broken body down the fire escape at dawn, it’s tough to watch without wincing. When Crutchie and Kelly wrap their voices around the lovely and wistful “Santa Fe,” shadows in the gutters and doorways below take shape as small bodies, children trying to sleep. - Catey Sullivan (Chicago Sun Times)
"There's some fascinating new talent on display — including Michael Kurowski"
Chris Jones on Posh at Steep Theatre
"Kurowski...is particularly impressive in his nuanced portrait of a nervous kid doing his best to project confidence."
Kris Vire on Four at Jackalope Theater